Saturday, 24 March 2018

Week Four

I developed the interior detailing of my chosen model, adding some more of the green tinted metallic spikes protruding from the underground level into the exhibition space, as well as some entering the top level; creating a connection between the bottom level and the rest of the building.

On the top level, in CJ Hendry's workspace, I added some display cubes. These cubes are covered in the same 'Geometric' texture used on the floor of this space, and the interior sections covered in the green metallic material that appears in the lower section of the building. These cubes reflect the rectangular geometry of the exterior of the upper level, however differing in size and shape. In order to create a connect between the workspaces and the exhibition space, these cubes also appear in the exhibition space to act as 'frames' to display or store artwork.

I developed my ideas for both staircases and detailed the materials used in the following sketches;
Staircase from underground level to middle level - showing the metal platforms held together by strong nickel-plated steel pins

Staircase from middle level to top level - showing marble platforms supported by the perpendicular wall and held in by pins
Animation 1: A walkthrough of the building

Animation 2: Sections from upper perspective showing floor plans

Animation 3: Sections from side perspective with focus on stairs

My final model is available through this link to my Google drive: as 3D Warehouse would not allow me to upload without crashing.

Friday, 23 March 2018

Week Three

Today as a group we came up with 36 words to describe materials, then developed each word into a texture, shown below with the corresponding word at the bottom of each scanned page.

I chose three textures that I thought worked well with my design concept for the building and applied them to appropriate surfaces in my building.

I applied the 'Rough' texture to the middle level to represent the rough contrast between the uniform geometry in the top level and the random and sharp shapes in the underground floor

I used the 'Fragmented' texture as a floor tile in the bottom floor, the Gucci workspace, as I felt like it was a bold and luxurious looking pattern, which reflects traits of the client's work

I used the 'Geometric' texture on the floor for the top level, CJ Hendry's workspace, as it not only corresponds with the nature of the exterior and ceiling design, but also has a sharp and detailed design to reflect the client's work

I selected one image for each of the clients; for CJ Hendry I chose an artwork of hers depicting a Chanel perfume and for Gucci I chose a popular sneaker shoe from their collection.
Gucci sneaker

Gucci shoe on wall of Gucci workplace, to scale

CJ Hendry's hyperrealistic artwork

CJ Hendry artwork in her workspace (artwork placed to scale)

A short video that I feel relates to my scheme is 'Notes on a Triangle' by Rene Jodoin (1966), especially the bottom portion of my building as it explores the transformation of triangles to create sharp and outstanding shapes and patterns, as exhibited by the lower staircase and overall design of the underground level.

Wednesday, 21 March 2018

Week Two

Building 1 - both stairs shown

Section for stairs from underground to ground - Building 1

Section for stairs from underground to ground - Building 1

Stairs from underground to ground - Building 1

Section for stairs from ground to upper level - Building 1

Section for stairs from ground to upper level - Building 1

Stairs from ground to upper level - Building 1

Stairs from ground to upper level - Building 1
Section that I developed for Building 2 - Monument on top (noun for CJ Hendry) and Attention on bottom (noun for Gucci) 
Sketchup section for Building 2 - the chambers on the ground floor, the stairs in both levels and the floor in all levels is timber, whilst the exterior element of the building is glass

Section for stair from ground to upper level - Building 2
Stairs from ground to upper level - Building 2

Section for stair from underground to ground - Building 2

Stair from underground to ground - Building 2

Wednesday, 7 March 2018

Week One

I chose to use CJ Hendry and Gucci as my clients, and my words to describe them were:

CJ Hendry

Below are my sections for the above words, the captions are in the order top left, bottom left, top right, bottom right:

Precise/Lavish, Scribble/Lavish, Monument/Lavish, Precise/Accelerate

Scribble/Accelerate, Monument/Accelerate, Precise/Attention, Scribble/Attention

Monument/Attention, Lavish/Precise, Lavish/Scribble, Lavish/Monument

Accelerate/Precise, Accelerate/Scribble, Accelerate/Monument, Attention/Precise

Attention/Scribble, Attention/Monument

I chose the section below to develop into a Sketchup model, using the words 'Precise' and 'Accelerate' which I believe really relate to the clients. Precise describes the intense detail CJ Hendry employs in her artworks, and Accelerate reflects the fast-paced nature of the high fashion industry.

My concept drawing for the combination 'Precise' on top (adjective for CJ Hendry) and 'Accelerate' below (verb for Gucci)

Beginnings of the Sketchup model

Top level exterior - light marble stone pillars
Top level interior ceiling 
Underground level interior - purple tinted metal spikes

Underground level exterior

Thursday, 1 March 2018

My Three Images

My sketch of San Andrea and the Arch of Constantine
I don't consider myself a particularly talented person art-wise, however it is definitely something I appreciate and enjoy. I am doing Civil Engineering with Architecture, so I completed ARCH1121 (Architectural History & Theory) last year, and this was the sketch that I was most proud to have produced, making this my "best" piece of creative work before starting this course. 

Moriyama House
For me, I find the most beauty in things that are practical, geometric and simple, and for me, modern Japanese architecture embodies that. Moriyama house is simple, yet elegant in its simplicity and practicality. I also personally love the look of sharp edges and a box-like look on houses, I think it adds a modern flair that is beautiful to me.

An original photograph of something beautiful (my cocker spaniel dog, Bonnie)
Looking particularly calm (I will admit I was holding a treat in front of the camera), I believe this to be a beautiful and rare photo of my cocker spaniel Bonnie sitting obediently.